Richard David Precht, German philosopher and author

Ulrike Draesner, German author and poet

Jesús Carrasco, Spanish author

Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Icelandic author and poet

Emanuele Coccia, Italian author and philosopher

Ned Beauman, British writer and journalist

Max Goldt, German author and musician

Dana Grigorcea, Swiss-Rumanian author

Sven Hillenkamp, German philosopher and author living in Sweden

Aris Fioretos, Swedish author

Laura de Weck, Swiss actress, author and stage director

Joshua Ferris, American author

Marjana Gaponenko, Ucranian author

Karen Duve, German author

Mahmoud Doulatabadi, Iranian author and actor

Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Icelandic author

María José Ferrada, Chilean journalist and author

Nikita Gill, British-Indian poet, playwright, writer and illustrator

Martin Suter, Swiss author

Zeruya Shalev, Israeli author

Max Czollek, German author and poet

Jan Schomburg, German film director, script writer and author

Petra Reski, German journalist, mafia specialist

Iris Wolff, German author

Monika Helfer, Austrian author

Sadie Jones, British author

Eckhart Nickel, German author and journalist

Hallgrímur Helgason, Icelandic author and painter

Helene Hegemann, German author

Miljenko Jergović, Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Croatian author and poet

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, German-American romanist, literary scholar, publicist and author.

Nino Haratischwili, Georgian-German theater director, playwright and novelist

Verena Güntner, German actress and author

Peter Wawerzinek, German author

John Green, American author, video blogger, film producer and podcaster

Barbara Honigmann, German author

Karl Ove Knausgård, Norwegian author

Rasha Khayat, Saudi-Arabic-German translator and writer

Lea Draeger, German actress, author and artist

Karen Köhler, German author, wearing her bear costume

Hiromi Ito, Japanese poet and writer

Marion Poschmann, German author and poet

Liu Cixin, Chinese computer engineer and science fiction writer

Nell Zink, American author and media scientist

Daniela Krien, German author

Josephine Klougart, Danish author

Olga Grjasnowa, German author

Rachel Khan, French actress, writer and jurist

Karen Köhler, German author

Sasha Marianna Salzmann, non-binary German playwright, essayist, curator and novelist

Sofi Oksanen, Finnish-Estonian writer and dramaturge

Boris Pahor (1913-1922), writer of the Slovenian minority in Italy and concentration camp survivor

Tony O'Neill, British author and musician

Leila Slimani, French-Moroccan author and journalist

Tony O'Neill, British author and musician

Katharina Winkler, Austrian author

Mauri Antero Numminen, Finnish singer, composer, entertainer, author and filmmaker

James Salter (1925-2015), American author

Mo Yan, Chinese author and nobel laureate

David Wagner, German author

Eva Menasse, Austrian author

John Wray, American-Austrian author

Johann Scheerer, German author, musician and music producer

Simone Lappert, Swiss author

Thomas Kunst, German author and poet

Albert Ostermaier, German author and poet

Sabine Kray, German author and translator

Sabine Gruber, South Tyrolean author and poet

Rasha Khayat, Saudi-Arabic-German translator and author

Zoë Beck , German author, publisher, translator and dubbing director

Hannah Dübgen, German dramaturge, playwright and author

Lize Spit, Belgian writer in Flemish

Teresa Präauer, Austrian author and visual artist

Kjell Westö, Finnish-Swedish author